It is known that Ajith is currently shooting for Vishnuvardhan directorial and recently a fight sequence shot on the actors Ajith and Arya is said to have come out stunningly and sources from the unit says, the action sequence is going to be one of the highlights of the film.
The stunt sequence was recently pictured in Chennai and both the actors Ajith and Arya have given a fiery performance. Arya is playing a role that had negative shades while the film casts voluptuous beauties Nayanthara and Taapsee Pannu as female leads. Yuvan Shankar Raja is scoring the tunes for this action entertainer.
The expectations on the film are quite high among Ajith fans and movie lovers since it’s the combo of the most successful Billa film, released in 2007.
Ajith, Arya’s fight sequence, a highlight In A Film